Terms of use

The right to access www.ccgrass.com (the “Site”) is granted by CoCreation Grass Corporation (in short of “CCGrass”) under the following conditions. If you do not agree to any of the following conditions, please stop using this site.


Copyright description

The copyright in the Site is owned by CCGrass, its agents and/or professional advisors. No part of the Site may be reproduced, distributed, reproduced, displayed or broadcast in any way without the prior written permission of CCGrass or the copyright owner.



Trademarks and logos that are used and displayed on the Site belong to CCGrass. Reproduction, distribution, reproduction, display and playback in any manner without the written permission of CCGrass or the trademark owner are forbidden.


Access conditions

CCGrass reserves the right to update and modify these conditions at any time. By using the Site, you agree to any new changes in this site.
